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Showing posts from June, 2015

Trade: a rundown of what the hell is happening in Congress

1- In May, the Senate passed TAA+TPA as one package and with only 3 votes to spare on cloture (5 Republicans voted no).  TAA is Trade Adjustment Assistance, aid for workers displaced by trade. TPA is Trade Promotion Authority, fast track authority that 1- allows the president to negotiate international trade agreements over the next 6 years with only symbolic input from Congress and 2- guarantees the president an up-or-down vote -- no amendments -- on any agreement presented by him/her to Congress (hence why it's called "fast track").  2- Most of the 14 Senate Democrats who supported the package made clear that their support was contingent on inclusion of TAA.  3- Further, some Senate Democrats (e.g. Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray) voted for the package because Mitch McConnell promised them an imminent vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (a different trade issue), whose charter expires at the end of this month. Having gotten their votes on the trade bills, McCo...