From his first year in office on, stories have circulated here in DC about just how widely loathed Ted Cruz is. Now, following his first place finish in Iowa, the rest of the country has been brought up to speed with a host of press outlets covering quotes like this: Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, who recently endorsed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush after ending his presidential bid in December, was asked whether he preferred Trump or Cruz as the nominee during a news conference on Capitol Hill. “It’s like being shot or poisoned,” Graham told reporters Thursday in response. “What does it really matter?” And this: When ["Face The Nation" host John] Dickerson asked whether Cruz was a one of the "false prophets" to whom Boehner had referred, the speaker smiled and referred to comments he made at a fundraiser in Colorado earlier this summer. There, he reportedly dismissed Cruz as a "jackass." And my personal favorite: Senator Mi...