When I left the Hill last year, I wrote down my favorite -isms for my staff. I stumbled upon them again today and decided they're still surprisingly relevant to life in advocacy. The House’s most important motto: “Nunquam quicquam nunc si potest donec XXIV Decembris.” (Never do anything now if it can wait until December 24.) Procrastination is the right strategy 95% of the time (and a total disaster the other 5%). That said, no work ever goes to waste. So if you wrote a speech for an event that was just canceled or questions for a hearing she wasn’t able to attend, remember that press releases and op-eds and speeches and hearing questions get re-used as constituent letters and talking points and vote recs. And vice versa. Anything is possible on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives if you have the votes. Congress is a representative body. You can’t hate Congress without hating the American people. And I really hate the American people. Competence is always p...